In-Practice Training - IPC
The most important part of Infection Prevention & Control, is putting it into practice. How comfortable are your staff with applying the standards and guidelines for Infection Control practically in your practice?
While it is the clinician who is responsible for their patient’s welfare, it is the team that are delegated the task of managing infection control and sterilisation. But are they doing the right thing 100% of the time to ensure you remain compliant and infection free?
Infection Prevention requires a team managed approach for ultimate success. In practice training can get the whole team on the same page with your policies and procedures ensuring compliance for the practice.
Keeping your team up to date with ongoing changes to Infection Prevention and Control…
• Compliance: the theory – an overview of documentation
• Standard Precautions
• Methods of Transmission – understanding the why
• Transmission-Based Precautions
• Personal Protective Equipment including gloves, masks, gowns and clinical attire
• Hand Hygiene including moments for Hand Hygiene, technique, bare below the elbows
• Aerosol Management – what’s the big (little) deal
• Cough Etiquette and Respiratory Hygiene
• Surface Management including detergency and disinfection
• Instrument Management for efficiency and safe handling
• Instrument Reprocessing for effective sterilisation outcomes
• Sterilisation including packaging and Batch Control Indication
• Testing, monitoring and recording of the sterilisation process
• Bringing it all together to be Confidently Compliant
Terms and Conditions
* The published price applies exclusively to metropolitan areas. Additional fees will apply for services outside of metropolitan areas.
Includes clinical observation of 3 treatment rooms and 1 sterilisation area plus training for up to 15 team members. Contact us to discuss the needs of your large practice.