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In-Practice Audit


Get the most accurate picture possible of the level of infection prevention and control compliance within your practice.


As part of your Quality Assurance Program, you should undertake an annual practice audit to ensure your Policies & Procedures are being implemented but also to confirm compliant behaviours within your team.


On average, practices achieve 76%* compliance during an audit.


Interestingly, most external auditors report much lower overall compliance scores during objective in-practice audits than those reported during self-assessments. Across the hundreds of audits completed by Prime Practice Infection Prevention & Control, the average score is 76%.


Get the most accurate picture possible of the status of infection prevention measures in your practice. A Practice Audit is important to ensure your practice, your patients and your staff are protected from infection. Comprising of up to 4 hours, our qualified infection prevention team will come and audit your practice for compliance – addressing all the latest standards, guidelines and regulations for infection prevention and sterilisation that can impact your practice. We will also give you recommendations for any required change or implementation of policies that are in-line with current guidelines that are applicable.




A member of our Infection Prevention & Control team spends up to 4 hours in your practice observing clinical workflows and assessing current protocols within the practice.

Shortly after the completion of your In- Practice Audit, you will receive a comprehensive report which will give you your overall level of compliance and also scores for each element of the infection prevention process. This is formatted so that you can easily identify clear ‘compliant /non-compliant’ responses.

Along with the Audit Report, you will receive a list of corrective actions and accompanying Action Plan that includes suggested corrective actions so you may plan your activities and check them off once completed.

We always include a debrief phone or video call to talk the report through with your chosen infection prevention champion.


Our audits are undertaken in a completely non-threatening way and remain confidential between the Prime Practice Infection Prevention & Control team and your practice.


Terms and Conditions

*Published price is for metropolitan areas only.

Includes clinical observation of 3 treatment rooms and 1 sterilisation area plus training for up to 15 team members. Contact us to discuss the needs of your large practice.

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