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Make it Mechanical!

Writer's picture: Meg SharpeMeg Sharpe

The IPC equivalent of digital dentistry is… manual vs mechanical instrument reprocessing. What is the best direction to take for your reprocessing workflow and sterilisation room?

Make it Mechanical!

That was then—this is now. The old ‘steri bay’, far from sight of any patients,

never to see horrors of used dental instruments. This is no longer the case. The

image of sterilisation areas has changed dramatically. Once hidden away, now

often more open, and sometimes an impressive focal point of many practices!

That was then… this is now

Patients have become more aware of IPC best practices and are actively looking to see appropriate steps, or they are simply trusting you to do it! Your reprocessing area can send a message that you care about the environment you treat them in.

When placed in a high traffic location it offers transparency and builds confidence

in staff and the practice. The advantages of a mechanical reprocessing workflow are many, and every practice is likely to benefit. Not only in terms of compliance, but also with

enhanced efficiency and health and safety.

The need for change—automated reprocessing vs manual process for

cleaning instruments, the case is strong. A common question is will the use of

washer disinfectors in dental practices become mandatory? The answer is ‘likely

yes’. The only debate is around the timing. Ever increasing knowledge regarding

disease transmission and the need to safeguard patients makes it inevitable in

all deliveries of healthcare, including dentistry. Thirty years ago gloves were not

worn routinely, and are now an accepted part of all treatment—imagine patient

reaction if not!

The ‘Big Picture’—‘The complete, overarching story or idea. Implies that one

should think of the future, or think of other parallel factors, and not focus on small

details’. There are many advantages for a mechanical approach other than in

terms of compliance; enhanced efficiency and health and safety—every practice

is likely to benefit.

Out with the old, in with the new. Traditionally, dental instruments have

been cleaned by either manual scrubbing and mechanical cleaning, often both.

However, routine hand scrubbing of dental instruments is not recommended and

should be discontinued.

The most common method for cleaning dental instruments is manual washing,

usually with, but sometimes without the use of an ultrasonic bath. However, the

manual wash process is poorly controlled, many practices use no cleaning agent

other than water. Not all practices use a detergent specifically formulated for

manual washing of instruments, and the time between changes of ultrasonic bath

cleaning solution can range from two to eight hours (it should be event related not

time bound).

Most practices have a dedicated area for instrument reprocessing, unfortunately

some are within the patient treatment area. Clear delineation of the clean and dirty

areas still remains an issue.

Nearly all reprocessing of dental instruments is undertaken by dental assistants,

with training provided mainly by demonstration and observed practice of a

colleague. Comprehensive synchronous training that takes place in real-time

with an instructor, allowing the learner to engage with both the trainer and with

others performing the tasks is much preferred for this type of skill. Appropriate

documentation of methodology, skills shown, observed, and demonstrated all

outlined clearly in a Training Schedule, and once signed documented in a Training

Register as part of the practice Policy & Procedure Manual. Remember, if it’s not

documented it’s not considered done.

Results from a significant number of practice audits indicate; most staff wore

gloves when undertaking manual cleaning, but the gloves worn are procedural

and not suitable for handling used instruments or chemicals, 51% of staff don’t

use eye protection, 57% don’t wear a mask!

In many dental practices, the cleaning of re-usable dental instruments is

undertaken using poorly controlled processes and procedures, increasing the

risk of cross infection. Clear and unambiguous advice must be provided to the

dental team regarding appropriate equipment, chemicals and the environment for

cleaning dental instruments. This should be facilitated by appropriate training and

the implementation of quality assurance procedures at each stage of the cleaning


No, no, no! Stop that! Routine hand scrubbing of dental instruments is not


Many practices use manual cleaning as either; the only process, or part of

process (before ultrasonic).

The concerns and issues of a manual only process are very clear:

n High risk

n Aerosols

n Biofilm & bioburden

Deciding on cleaning methods—considerations;

1. Most effective

2. Compatible with items

3. Occupational health and exposure risks to staff

The main considerations in selecting appropriate cleaning methods include

effectiveness, compatibility with the items that require cleaning and the

occupational health and exposure risks posed to staff with each method.

Manual cleaning should only be undertaken when the manufacturer specifies

a device is either incompatible with automation processes, or when the washer

disinfector is temporarily unavailable—for example, the unit is being repaired or


If/when manual cleaning will be included there must be a written procedure to

be followed and comprehensive training provided. This should support ability

to control critical parameters as far as possible to reduce variability in cleaning


Ensure a low-foaming detergent specifically formulated for cleaning instruments

is used, mixed exactly to manufacturer’s instructions, water temperature should

not be over 45˚C (above protein coagulation point), with items fully immersed to

minimise splashing and minimise aerosol risk.

Use of metal bristled instrument brushes is also not recommended as they can

be extremely damaging to the instrument surfaces, and/or particularly to diamond

coated burs. Use of an instrument foam (magic if you haven’t used it yet!) instead

is recommended. Add it to the list—it’s a game changer (time and efficiency).

‘Best practice’—or not? All in all, manual cleaning not considered ‘best

practice’ as it is difficult to validate due to variables and inconsistencies in time

availability and individual cleaning styles, and ultimately it carries a greater risk of

injury to staff compared with mechanical methods.

Manual cleaning/washing summary—what’s the issue?

  • Often no designated ‘instrument cleaning only’ sink used; hand washing,

    beverage preparation, environmental cleaning sinks are also used.

  • Poorly controlled—no cleaning agent / water only.

  • Range of cleaning agents used; surgical hand wash, flowing or bar soap,

    disinfectants, dishwashing liquid, incorrect concentration and/or water

    temperature. Note—clinical detergent formulated for instrument management

    must be used.

  • Range of brush types used—more than one type; synthetic, wire or natural

    bristles, pipe cleaners, metal/nylon pot scourers (ouch for the instrument!)

  • Cleaning lumened devices (HVE) using brushes on wire stem or pipe cleaner.

Show me some numbers… many practices use manual washing as either

the only method, or as part of the cleaning process. 43% have a designated

sink which is used only for instrument cleaning, but many also use the same

sink for hand washing (84%), beverage preparation (16%), or environmental

cleaning (34%). The manual washing process is generally poorly controlled, 41%

of practices using only water, without cleaning agent. Only 2% of practices use

a detergent formulated for manual washing of surgical instruments, 37% using

surgical hand wash. Other miscellaneous agents used for cleaning include bar

soap, dishwashing liquids and disinfectants. A range of cleaning agents are used

without standardisation of concentration or of the temperature of water used for


The range of brush types used to clean instruments included synthetic bristles

(70%), wire bristles (46%), natural bristles (9%) or pipe cleaners (8%), many use

more than one type of brush. Other items used to clean instruments include metal

pot scourers (4%) and nylon pot scourers (3%). Cleaning of lumened devices,

such as suction tips, 64% use wire stem brushes, or 89% a pipe cleaner. Only

14% performed manual cleaning with instruments entirely immersed to prevent

aerosol generation, and 60% perform manual washing entirely under running

water. Rinsing of washed instruments was undertaken in 84% of practices, but

not often in hot water. Only 10% of surgeries used a separate sink for rinsing and

a further 2% rinsed in a bowl. Drying of instruments (never leave to air dry) after

manual cleaning occurs in around 85% of practices.

Touchless reprocessing workflow

Efficient reprocessing workflow provides both cost and time saving

opportunities—is yours maximised? Is your DA available for the important tasks;

patient care, clinical support chairside, operatory changeover? Or are they

spending valuable time ‘doing the dishes’?

In the words of DA’s …

“I spend so much time sorting instruments & packaging”

“My time would be better spent with patients”

“Minutes matter when you’re on an already tight schedule, or have an

emergency patient coming”

Reprocessing workflow

1. Efficient instrument reprocessing

2. Highest protection for patients & clinical team

Defined as ‘a physical or chemical procedure to decontaminate re-usable

medical devices for further use on patients and handling by staff’. The aim of

which is to protect patients and the practice staff from harmful microorganisms

on the instruments.

The complete instrument decontamination process consists of; cleaning and

disinfection, inspection, packaging, sterilisation, including parametric release,

batch control identification (BCI) and documentation of process (linking patient

to process).

All guidelines, including international, all state the entire process of instrument

reprocessing needs to be performed by trained personnel using monitored

procedures to ensure reproducibility.

Make it Mechanical!

What is the instrument reprocessing cycle? Automated equipment is most

efficient method available and can increase productivity—an important and

measurable component.

One Way Workflow—assess, review and realign as required. Apply critical

thinking of the how and why of IPC evidenced based decision-making processes.

Make it Mechanical!

Ensure workflow is one direction—dirtiest to cleanest. Each ‘level’

incrementally reduces microbial load on devices being reprocessed (including

cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation) and prevents contamination of items

processed to higher level having contact with lower level processed medical

device or areas.

Considerations include: dirty-to-clean process workflow, touchless sinks or

drawers and durable finishes to withstand high moisture levels. Each area (or

‘station’) is dependent on another. Operating in anything but a one-way workflow

poses an IPC risk. Defining the details of each station is important to connect

the station and understand how each serves a specific role and why that role is

needed to keep moving in the one-way direction.

Review and assess your one-way workflow. Do you have any enhancements to

make? Are you already performing with a high functioning one-way workflow?

‘We don’t know what we don’t know’—true! However, once we know then

it is important to act accordingly, make any necessary changes and set goals

as applicable. These moments of reflection are good examples of exemplary

professional growth.

Clean before you steam / Mechanical NOT manual!

Ultrasonic cleaning—ultrasonic energy passed through a solution to ‘shake’

debris loose. Correct ultrasonic solution formulated for efficient ultrasonic

cleaning breaks down bioburden and contains agents to prevent mineral buildup,

spotting, and corrosion.

Ultrasonic instrument cleaning effectiveness is based on cavitation where sonic

waves generate minute bubbles on instrument surfaces that expand and become

unstable, then collapse or implode. The implosion generates a localised vacuum

area that literally dislodges/sucks off bioburden—maximised when there is a

defined loading pattern and defined maximum load, not when overloaded.

It is critical to use correct solution, mixed according to manufacturer’s instructions

and change solution when visibly soiled, and emptied at the end of working day

as many practices do. However, solution change interval can range from two to

nine hours, not four hourly intervals or more frequently. Occasionally the solution

may be changed at the end of working week.

The unit must be regularly cleaned, maintained and performance tested daily.

92% of practices have ultrasonic units that commonly range in age from new/1

year to 10(ish) years, median of three years old. Most (96%) ultrasonic cleaners

have removable lids and most (92%) are operated with the lid closed.

After ultrasonic cleaning, 86% of practices rinse instruments, usually under

running tap water with variable water temperatures (should be hot). Note—quality

of instrument rinse water is an area of impending change.

Automated instrument washer—saves time and eliminates the need to

manually rinse or dry instruments. Also protects instruments and therefore

provides increased longevity.

Manual scrubbing—should be considered a ‘fall-back’ practice and is no

longer/not recommended by regulatory bodies. A manual process takes the most

time and effort and carries the highest risk of sharps incidents.

Don’t confuse throughput with productivity

Throughput = number of items passing through the process

Productivity = effectiveness of productive effort

Use of a washer disinfector is currently considered ‘Best Practice’.

Effective vs Efficient. Process Excellence—what is effectiveness vs

efficiency? The key to improving both efficiency and effectiveness is spending

the right time, with the right energy, working on the right things, in the right way.

Efficiency is about the ‘means’ while effectiveness is about the ‘end’ result.

Efficiency is a metric for speed and cost, while effectiveness is metric for quality

and goodness. Critical differential.

Asking, “Is it effective?” is really asking if you are achieving the goal. On the

other hand, asking, “Is it efficient?” is asking if you are doing it at the least cost in

terms of time, money, and energy.

Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right thing. As Sheldon

would say—bazzinga!

Make it Mechanical!

Considerations for efficiency and effectiveness for use of washer disinfector (WD):

  • Saves time – no manual cleaning, no tedious process of drying

  • Uses HEPA filter to ensure no additional bacteria or microorganisms transmit

    onto items during drying process.

Crunch the numbers in your practice…

Time saved approx. 6 minutes per patient tray x 10 pts = 60 minutes per DA.

E.g. $28 hourly rate x 5 days = $140 per DA / 5 x DA’s = $700 per week.

Straight to the point—Do know your total processing time? Knowing your

total processing time from dirty to clean can help determine instrument stock

levels. Factor return on investment required to increase inventory of certain sets.

Conversely, if an instrument has a normal life span of a year, and you now have

two, it has increased to two years.

Key to improving efficiency & effectiveness—spending the right time, with

the right energy, working on the right things, in the right way.

  • Reproducibility

  • Consistency

  • Quality control

  • Validate able

WD Injection rails—used to clean inside of hollowed instruments. Important

to check rail has its own filter to ensure your hand pieces don’t become the

filter! Handpieces that are mechanically washed with dedicated injection rail last

longer when they have been properly cleaned inside. And they do get dirty! Ask a

handpiece service technician.

Sharps injuries hurt—yes they do! Use engineering controls to manage,

implement safe work practices with routine use of a managed instrument system

(cassettes, also referred to as ‘washer trays’ by some manufacturers):

1. Patient Preview & Presentation – instruments are organised to procedure type

2. Processed & Preparation – instruments kept together throughout reprocessing

3. Packaged & Ready – packaged and sterilised together to reduce handling

4. Neat & Complete – use or store until required

An organised instrument management system saves time when instruments

are organised by procedure and set-up remains intact throughout entire

reprocessing; cleaning to sterilisation to storage. The cassette/washing tray is

placed directly into ultrasonic or WD and steriliser. Manual handling and scrubbing

is eliminated and the risk of potential sharps injuries reduced—‘Touchless


The use of a WD removes all variables from the cleaning process. It enables

a fully audited and validated process for regulatory compliance. Remove the

variables = reproducibility = validation.

Choose carefully—a WD that has the capability to meet practice specific needs

regarding space and capacity is important from the outset. For example, one

with customisable storage trays that can accommodate a reasonable number

of instruments and can achieve a fast turnaround is essential in a busy practice.

Choosing a machine with multiple programmes including a ‘fast wash’ is important

in terms of maintaining the desired goal of overall efficiency.

An integrated data logger should also be used as it automatically records all the

necessary data required for compliance documentation. This removes the need

to keep manual records.

Instruments cleaned with automated equipment do not normally need

presoaking unless considerable time lapse between used instruments entering

the reprocessing cycle—when pre-treatment foam is useful.

What to look for—know your numbers and ask the questions!

? Cycles, accessories, number of patient instruments.

? External dimensions—is it compact? Size matters!

? Active drying—protects instruments from re-contamination, corrosion and


? Batch documentation—with CF card or network?

? Feeding process agents with dosing unit—external or internal?

(space saving important)

? How much chemical is being dosed?

Some use only pressure switches to check if chemical is moving but don’t

measure exact quantity. It could be a little or a lot, and when dealing in mls this

can be a big difference.

? Conductivity sensors that monitor incoming water AND wash liquid throughout

the cycle?

? How easy is it to swap the chemicals, how often, how much (quantity and cost)?

? Do you have to decant or swap out bottles?—good to know for safety reasons.

? Are the chemicals stored within the unit or do they go in a cupboard externally?

? Maintenance cycles—how many months or cycles?

(24, 36 months, or 1000 + cycles?)

? Practice-optimised washing chamber. Customised ‘furniture’ set up—look

for numerous baskets and accessories, allow loading configuration for your

specific workflow.

? Reprocess instruments for up to how many patients quickly & economically in

one cycle?

? Automatic monitoring for rotation of rinse arms, rinse pressure and filter sieves?

? Errors in program mode or during operation prevented with consistent

monitoring?—important consideration.

? Floor unit—ergonomic working height & any additional storage space?

? Injector rails—with or without?

Consider HVE tubes or handpieces and contra angles.

? Are wash arms monitored for rotation speed, water pressure to ensure correct

coverage and avoid spray shadows. Some washers only monitor that the arms

are spinning—a simple yes or no, but not actually a check on how well they are


? Sensors to detect for any water leaks inside the unit.

? Training and education—multimedia tutorials.

Originally there were just washers, not washer disinfectors. Don’t get

caught out. There are chemical washers that use high strength chemicals to

disinfect. There are thermal disinfectors that use high temperature water (90°C)

to achieve disinfection. Review the Instructions for Use (IFU’s) as some may state

one over the other.

Thermal WD are generally preferred as they are less hazardous and more

environmentally friendly as a result. What AO value does the disinfector achieve

and does it monitor this?

Some washers have built in ultrasonic—can all your instruments go in this?

Chemicals (cleaning agents) in a thermal washer. The detergent is used to clean,

removing debris and soil/protein. Neutraliser is used to bring the pH to balance

ready for disinfection. No chemical is added for disinfection as this is done by

temperature, not chemical. Then a few mls of rinse aid is added before drying to

aid in drying efficiency.

Some washers do not have ‘active drying’ which is fan forced. Some don’t bring

air through a HEPA filter and simply run surrounding air through the once highly

disinfected instruments—caution!

Be aware that most hollowed instruments will still need blowing out with

compressed air.

Possible future proofing—De-ionised / de-mineralised water. Depending on the

standards update, it may be a requirement to rinse with demineralised water.

Does the washer have an option to add a water treatment system if standards

change? If so, what is the cost of the add on?

All in all, the best practice reprocessing management is to – Make it Mechanical!


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